About Us

Cakes, Eats, Recipes, Mindset

Manoj and I both love food! We are both Indian and food was in the center of everything – family meals, celebrations, get-togethers, etc.  Both our moms and grandmothers are great cooks.  And they left us a treasure of different tastes, recipes, and fond memories.  Both of us left home to U.S. without much experience in cooking.  Manoj’s first experience cooking is when he came to study at Penn State.  He told me that his mom had given him a hand-written recipe book with his favorite, quick to make dishes.  And his first question to her was – “all this is fine, but how do I make rice”.  I did come here having helped my mom in the kitchen a bit, but nothing significant.

Since the time we got married, we have always enjoyed cooking – daily meals, festivals, sharing with friends or for satsangs (devotional gatherings).  We were fortunate to learn very early on the art of mindful / conscious cooking.  Our spiritual practices taught us to prepare food as an offering to God and that the mood and mental energy of the cook has a profound impact on emotional health and well-being.

After years of sharing food, and cakes with family and friends, we are very happy to share a passion that we cherish with you all.  Our eats and cakes are prepared mindfully in an environment filled with gratitude, and positive, loving vibrations.   We are looking forward to serve the ones who are looking forward to a lovingly prepared cake, dessert, or eats prepared with attention to ingredients, home-cooked freshness, and taste.  We thank you for your support and hope our offering makes your day special.

In addition to food, we also wanted to share our learnings on mindset.  Over the years we have certainly experienced highs and lows in life.  And every time it is a shift in mindset that has magically helped us recover.  We have been wanting to share our learnings for a long time and now is the time! Selfishly, by sharing them, we are also looking forward to deepening our understanding.  It is certainly a continuous learning process and we are looking forward to learning through our interaction.

– Surya and Manoj.